Rob Ford


Robert Ford

Our technologist comes from Hackney, London. He studied Jazz, Popular and Commercial music, which lead to a fascination with studio work and equipment. He worked at SAE as a Studio Technician, where he managed a team of 9 supervisors. Unfortunately - but not for us - he was made redundant in 2017 and our very own Head of Production - at the time a project manager - Dan Lavi, suggested he apply to Koffeecup for the Event Technician role, supporting on-site deployments. He got the job and on his very first deployment he had to supervise an activation of 20 Oculus Rift headsets, running Google Tilt Brush.

He likes that his work is challenging and continuously pushing the envelope of what is possible with the latest technology. It also helps that the people are great to work with, knowledgeable and supportive!

After work Rob has gigs in different areas around London! He plays the trumpet and is a regular member of 5 different bands.

Koffee: none


favourite projects

red bull paper wings

cernunnos vr (gadget show)